August 2013
- [29] Xubuntu loosing its settings
- [29] Gradle Dependency Management Tips
- [26] Reusing GlusterFS Directory
- [23] Web development
- [22] Starting a new blog
September 2013
- [10] Debugging R in Linux
- [03] Audit trail in Linux
- [03] The way Gluster FS handles renaming the file
October 2013
- [28] Hidden property in Gradle
- [16] On Amazon RDS and MySQL
- [16] Java flag modification in runtime
- [16] Rarely used git commands
November 2013
- [29] Using Partial Functions to improve Vaadin API
- [29] Gradle, Scala and Vaadin can work together
- [26] Ignoring special files with git
- [01] Fine grained fat Jar in Gradle
- [01] I love Scala
December 2013
- [05] Scala libraries are really extensible
- [05] Modern Web Search Engine
- [05] Using Squeryl to create database DDL
January 2014
- [20] Excluding specific file collection from source set in Gradle
- [20] Gradle local variables
- [20] Compile options for Scala in Gradle
April 2014
- [09] Type-aware generics in Scala
- [08] Scala compiler error on a corrupted JAR
- [03] Scala love
- [03] Measuring Scala performance with JMH
- [03] Remove prefix in a Camel Case method name
- [03] Custom functions in Squeryl
June 2014
- [10] Custom insert-or-update conditions with Squeryl
- [10] How to resolve conflicting methods error in Scala
- [10] What do I think about systemd
September 2014
October 2014
December 2014
- [09] Parsing address string in PostgreSQL
- [08] Funny code
- [08] Extracting OLE documents from Microsoft Office format
- [08] Pattern matching around type erasure
January 2015
February 2015
- [25] SVN stash on bash
- [25] Setting up Webex on Ubuntu
- [25] Java 8 lamdas
March 2015
May 2015
August 2015
- [14] What's wrong with Facebook engineering?
- [14] I like deleting code
- [14] Systemd, again and again
- [14] Using previous build as a library
- [14] Gradle to determine parent branch
- [14] Eclim is awesome
March 2016
- [23] I love xxd tool
- [23] Breaking Java8 Lambdas
- [23] EasyMock with Java8 Lambdas
- [23] Career clarity
- [23] Restarting Berta project
- [23] A hidden way to make desktop nice in xfce4
- [23] Simple dependency version management with Spring
- [23] Idea about adding Ownership to Java Memory Model
- [23] Takipi is a really nice tool
May 2017
- [03] Test Driven Development
- [03] Tizen phone: day 1
- [03] Workaround for empty parameters Jenkins bug
- [03] Software Archaeologist
- [03] I am not buying self-driving cars
- [03] Don't do it culture
July 2017
- [31] Why systemd bugs are terrible
- [31] Top tech companies in the world
- [31] Jave Modules Fun
- [31] What do I know about systemd
December 2018
- [11] Engaged Voting system
- [11] Whiteboarding alternative
- [11] Ubiquitous Product Placement
- [11] How to use Neo4j plugins in an embedded DB
- [11] Init Gradle Wrapper without Gradle
- [11] Reverse bike shedding
- [11] We need more servers, the most servers, and then a few more on top of that
- [11] Firefox
- [11] Open Web is no more.
- [11] How I approach a new open source project
- [11] OpenSource is being used to delay competition
- [11] I give up
- [11] Tilix is awesome
- [11] Premature Optimization
August 2019
- [21] Good time to quit
- [21] Confidence Interval
- [21] Changing the World skill
- [21] Jenkins build with no resources
- [21] Reading The Black Swan
January 2020
- [13] Git push to a new branch
- [13] UUID collision
- [13] First PR to Go
- [13] How to disable circular reference in Spring Boot
- [13] My ideal Continuous Delivery pipeline
February 2021
- [17] Pelican date resets
April 2022
- [27] Poor man's specializaton in Rust
- [25] Parser-combinator in Rust with nom
- [20] Announcing a series of Rust posts
June 2022
July 2022
November 2022
March 2023
- [20] Privacy terms
- [03] Fix for the Qt
June 2023
September 2024
- [17] Hiatus over
January 2025
- [29] A Developer's Perspective on Java: The Evergreen Language
- [10] Engineer's review of Solana coin
- [10] Engineer's review of Crypto coins