JVM engineers published JMH to Maven recently, it is finally simple to benchmark java code performance
Read more…There is a simple command to remove a prefix in a camelCase formatted string keeping the format correct
Read more…Documentation on the Squeryl site is a bit outdated, so I decided to write a short howto on the topic.
Read more…This is a bit of rare task to exclude something from a sourceset without knowing exactly what to exclude, but it is doable.
Read more…Local variables could be trickier than you think in Gradle
Read more…Code snippet to set Scala and Java compiler options for joint compilation in Gradle
Read more…Squeryl is a great library, but sometimes it lacks certain functionality. Good thing it is written in Scala and I could add missing bits in a heartbit
Read more…Squeryl allows user to create database automatically or manually, but does not allow to stop half way and to use Squeryl Schema to assist in manual DB creation. Here is how to fix it
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