We are used to think that O(log N) is always better than O(N), but it is not always true.
Read more…SVN does not have a stash (or shelve) functionality, but there is always a way around
Read more…It is not trivial to set up Webex to work on modern Ubuntu. This post recaps the steps I made to make it work
Read more…Sample query to parse address line into fields in PostgreSQL without stored procedures
Read more…If you ever need to extract an OLE document from within a Microsoft Office document
Read more…Squeryl is very smart, but some time you want to alter a bit of its logic. Here is one of the methods.
Read more…The error "class XXX inherits conflicting members" is almost obvious by the compiler message, but stop just one step short of the full solution.
Read more…It is possible to create a generic class, that would have parts of it aware of the actual class of its type argument. Without reflection and linked in compile time. Here is how.
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