SVN stash on bash

Since my new team uses svn, which I have not used in almost 10 years, I was very curious as to which git/mercurial features I will miss the most. Turns out - local branches. Then local commits and ability to squash them to perfection before pushing them up. But I am not writing about them yet. This blog post is about the third feature I miss the most: git stash.

It is so often that I need to temporary revert the changes I just made in a file... For example, I am fixing a method and suddenly an unrelated unit test starts to fail. I am puzzled, so I stash the changes and re-execute the original code, if anything it will provide me with a better insight on the way the code works. Here is what I came up with. This code is a few bash functions (one could put them into .bashrc file) that mimic the stash functionality I need.

# Stash some changes away
  if [ -f stash.patch ]; then
    echo "There are stashed changes already"
    svn diff "${@}" > stash.patch
    svn revert -R "${@}"

# Re-apply stashed changes
  patch -p0 < stash.patch
  if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
    echo "There was an error applying the patch. Please apply stash.patch manually"
    rm stash.patch

# Describe stashed changes
  if [ -f stash.patch ]; then
    echo "Stashed changes in files:"
    grep '^Index' stash.patch
    echo "No stashed changes in the current directory"

There are some differences from git stash. First it does not allow multiple stashed changes. This feature in git was only giving me a headache to try to remember what is in those dozen of stashed changes from months ago which I forgot to unstash. Second, it allows "partial" stashes. What if I want to temporary revert just a few files but leave the rest of the changes. I always dreaded that git did not allow that (even though there is a decent workaround - one can locally commit changes she wants to keep - but that's too much work).

Here is the sample usage session:

$ svn status src/test.h 
M       src/test.h
$ svnstash src/test.h 
Reverted 'src/test.h'
$ svn status src/test.h 
$ svndescstash 
Stashed changes in files:
Index: src/test.h
$ svnunstash 
patching file src/test.h
$ svn status src/test.h 
M       src/test.h
$ svndescstash 
No stashed changes in the current directory


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