It is possible to create a generic class, that would have parts of it aware of the actual class of its type argument. Without reflection and linked in compile time. Here is how.
Read more…Ever seen "Failed to initialize compiler: object scala.runtime in compiler mirror not found." error? Delete a corrupted JAR file.
Read more…Am I using Scala's string interpolation too much?
s"${ph.firstName} ${ph.lastName}${", " + _).getOrElse("")}"
JVM engineers published JMH to Maven recently, it is finally simple to benchmark java code performance
Read more…Code snippet to set Scala and Java compiler options for joint compilation in Gradle
Read more…Squeryl is a great library, but sometimes it lacks certain functionality. Good thing it is written in Scala and I could add missing bits in a heartbit
Read more…Squeryl allows user to create database automatically or manually, but does not allow to stop half way and to use Squeryl Schema to assist in manual DB creation. Here is how to fix it
Read more…Vaadin is written in Java and its API could be very verbose. Let's see if we can improve that with a bit of Scala
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