Debugging R in Linux

All the years working in Linux I did not know how to debug in Linux. GDB is simply too scary for me... And now I needed to debug R. And you know what, it is that simple:

sudo apt-get install nemiver
./R -d nemiver

And that's it!

R starts under …

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Audit trail in Linux

It is probably a good idea to have audit enabled on the server. Even though a hacker could disable it (if he was able to penetrate the server and gain root), there is still chance that he will not check for audit to be enabled.

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Xubuntu loosing its settings

A very strange thing happened to me today. I had to restart my PC, and it lost all of my precious settings - no icon theme, no icons, fonts are all messed up. .xsession-errors log is filled with errors about files not being found. I was very sad.

But that's what …

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Reusing GlusterFS Directory

If you want to reuse the same directory for Gluster FS:

# gluster volume create gv0
volume create: gv0: success: please start the volume to access data

# gluster volume delete gv0
Deleting volume will erase all information about the volume. Do you want to …
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Web development

Web Development is hard. And it is hard for all the wrong reasons. Take creation of this blog, for example. All I wanted was a simple web site, no twitter integration, no interactive content. Nothing out of ordinary. But I had few obvious restrictions, such as "No PHP". And what …

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