I ran into several issues trying to setup a joint Scala+Vaadin project using Gradle build automation. But I was able to overcome all of them!
Read more…I've asked to ignore files that start with a sharp sign. That usually mark the comment
Read more…Gradle Cookbook has a one liner to produce a fat jar. But what you want to make it just a bit more slim?
Read more…I love Scala, but there are bits that upset me.
Read more…It is possible to have hidden configuration properties in Gradle
Read more…Yesterday I was fighting a bug which should have never existed in the first place
Read more…It is possible to change JVM command line flag values in runtime. With just a bit of Unsafe magic, of course.
Read more…I was preparing a presentation on git I am about to deliver to a group of bioscientists. While doing so I learned couple of things myself. Here are the bits and pieces
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